Samson 3 weeks after surgery

Hi there, Samson is doing really well! He is spinning around in circles with 3 legs, barking at the coffee machine and wagging his tail, with no problems at all.

If he’s really exciting he hops on the spot. We have a ramp my husband made for him and he’s now added some carpet to it so Samson can easily hop up and down it onto our bed.

He had half his stitches out last week (at 2 weeks since surgery) and should have the rest of them out tomorrow.

Would love to upload some pics and video footage, but when I choose Add Media and select a pic I don’t know what to do after that.

Can anyone help?


Catherine & Samson

Samson’s progress – 2 days after surgery

Yesterday Samson was whining a little and I didn’t get much sleep last night, as he wouldn’t settle, even though I’d lifted him onto my bed as he wouldn’t go to sleep on the floor.

This morning he is a completely different dog! Wagging his tail, hoping around, barking at the coffee machine and even hoping round in circles (he goes round in circles when he’s really excited).

He hopped out to the lawn and has finally been for a No.2. He can hop quite fast now, almost the same speed as a brisk walk and only falling a little occasionally.

He is so determined! He jumped off my bed when I was taking too long to brush my teeth, so I’ve learnt not to put him on our bed until I’m about to get in. We did make him a ramp (before the surgery) to get on and off the bed and lazy boy onto my lap, but I’m not sure he can hop up and down it yet, without falling off.

No whinning so far today, only when I go out of the room, a big improvement on yesterday.

Have put a toddlers sock on his back paw so he can’t scratch his stitches, with a hair tie to hold it on – so far it’s working well.

Catherine & Samson